新产品公告: 重启DE1108项目 2008年公司宣布暂停研发了近两年,且已投入了大量人力物力的DE1108项目,主要原因是公司认为当时研发的DE1108在技术、性能上并无实质性突破,不足以承担“爱好者"系列“封顶之作”头衔的重任。 暂停至今已8年,期间经过头6年的等待、观察思考,再经过2年的前期实质性研发准备(这两年实际已完成了70%的研发工作),现在公司郑重宣布DE1108项目已正式重启,目前进入后程阶段:塑胶五金模正式投入,各种定制外协加工器件最后确认,采购周期长的物料提前下单定购...... 重启的新DE1108之研发基于下列原则进行: 1、彻底解放思想,不固守旧思路,技术上一定要与时俱进并有突破性创新,做出一款全新的超级收音机产品。 2、不惜前期投入,不计产品成本,不排斥使用任何能用上的新技术。 3、把传统模拟收音机性能做到极致,最新的数码功能有机融入。 4、产品定位在“前无古人,后无来者”的高度。 5、产品是用于“听”的,要达到享受级的“听”! 6、既是给老一代无线电爱好者的“还愿”之作,也是给新一代年轻人的时尚之作,新、老用户通吃! 7、不同版本满足全球市场。 深圳市德劲电子有限公司 2016.8.30.
Restart DE1108 Project In 2008, DEGEN decided to suspend “Project DE1108”. Although a lotof time and manpower was invested during a 2-year development period, thetechnical limitations at the time could not provide the desired breakthroughsneeded to warrant DE1108 as the “Icing on the Cake” of a radio enthusiasts’collection. In the eight years that followed, while new technologies emerged,new ideas and implementations were conceived, consequently leading to a 2-yearconceptualization process in which 70% of the preparation work was finalized.Today, “Project DE1108” has formally restarted! Tooling development, softwaretesting, and the purchase of materials with extended procurement lead-timeshave all commenced. The principles on which the restart of “Project DE1108” is based: 1. Progressive thinking: Do nothold onto old ideas, clear the mind and embrace new technologies that lead tobreakthrough innovations and a new highly advanced radio product. 2. Despite all the previous investmentsmade, embrace the new technologies and the cost it comes with to develop aninnovative product. 3. Develop a radio that combinesthe best of traditional analog radio with the latest digital technologies. 4. Position the product as a‘Hard-to-Follow’ and ‘Difficult-to-Beat’ concept. 5. Enjoyment of listening is atthe heart of the design. 6. A product to be enjoyed by boththe older radio enthusiasts as well as younger generations who are moreinterested in innovative electronics. 7. Different versions to meet localrequirements within the global market. Shenzhen DegenElectronics. Co. Ltd. 2016.8.30.